Catamarans on the Baltic Sea?
Do you think catamarans only sail in the Caribbean? Think again!
Especially on the Baltic and in other northern regions, catamarans are the logical choice for exploring the region.
Weather – the age-old problem
Temperatures in the Baltic Sea region lag somewhat behind those in more southerly climes. While you might think that this is a disadvantage, many people do not as they can enjoy their holiday destination during the day and don’t have to wait until the cool of the evening.
The catamaran offers shade even when the sun is beating down, but also ideal spots for sunbathers.
Cat man do features sun loungers on the roof as well as an ample bimini top.
Whereas people often long for the heavens to open in more southerly regions, it can rain for several days on the trot on the Baltic Sea. This won’t affect your enjoyment of the beautiful seascape as you will have a dry lookout point.
The catamaran usually comes with a spacious saloon with a view of the horizon.
Cat man do also allows sailors the option to heat and waterproof the area under the bimini top.
Uncharted territory
Large parts of the Baltic remain uncharted territory for most of the people living in the region. The Baltic’s size is also often underestimated. Catamarans offer sufficient speed to allow you to cover large distances on a single holiday.
There are endless anchorages for undisturbed days and evenings on the Baltic Sea. These are generally extremely shallow.
Catamarans do not have a deep keel, of course, and can therefore reach more idyllic spots.
Cat man do doesn’t even have a fin keel, but rather daggerboards with a draught of only 1.1 m.
There are numerous harbours in the Baltic Sea region and, to be sure, some of them cannot accommodate catamarans. A harbour that isn’t wide enough for a catamaran is generally also not deep enough for a monohull featuring a comparable living space.
However, this is usually not that important in practice, as dropping anchor is a genuine alternative, and there’s always the dingy for getting to terra firma.